
Showing posts from February, 2018


Whilst watching the shots I have filmed for my short film, I decided to possibly title it "Hope" as this title resembles many things. The character of 'Hope Redsell' gives Thomas her wages after she finishes work, this symbolises how random acts of kindness can change someones life. This money allows Thomas to buy himself a drink to keep himself warm in the cold winter. The name 'Hope' also portrays the fact that there is hope for everyone to have some luck in their lives. In Thomas' case he comes across a poster, advertising for an audition for a talent show, where he can show off his talent as a guitarist. He eventually goes on to win the Talent Show and the cash prize, which will open up doors for a career as a guitarist.


On imovie I have been editing my short film, on one shot of Thomas walking in and out of a cafe, it was too long, so I decided to cut it down. However, the shots did not flow together very well, so I decided to add a cross blur between the shots, which I found worked better and showed the passing of time well. Here is the result: Before: After:


I have decided to add a voiceover to my film. This would make the storyline clearer and also make the audience have more of a connection to the character of Thomas. Here is my script for the voiceover:  No one knows truly who someone is, or where they have come from. They just judge people based on their front cover. Hardships come in every life and you cannot escape from it, unless you get lucky, I suppose. For me, the hardship, is being homeless, living day after day with no money or food. People glaring at you every single day, bullying you, so much you don’t want to exist. I have never had the easiest life, being abused when I was young, being moved from different care homes in my teenage years, I have never had much hope in my life. I am a guitarist, that’s what I have always wanted to do, but I never had any opportunity to show off my talent, to anyone. Even though some people are sympathetic and drop a few coins in my pot, I am grateful, but I wish I was like them,


I added a voiceover to "Thomas Waters, would you like to come this way please" to improve the quality of the speech. I first recorded straight onto iMovie from my Laptop, the syncing was good, but the overall quality of the speech was poor.  I then used this microphone, which was really good as the quality of the sound was good, therefore I will use this microphone for future voiceovers: