Knole House Trip

On Friday the 30th of June 2017, we went to visit Knole House in Kent. Knole house is the home of Vita Sackville-west and the house where Virginia Woolf visited. We had a guided tour of the house, however, it took us a while to realise that the whole tour was a performance and was telling us about views on gender equality as well as telling the story of Orlando, based of Virginia Woolf's novel. The tour was based on a scientific investigation, where the forensic scientists were trying to de-contaminate the site in order to find out clues into Orlando's disappearance and also. work out the space-time continuum. On the tour we met, Greek Gods, Shakespearean actors, Georgian scientists, Vita Sackville-west and eventually Virginia Woolf herself. After lunch we had a lecture which gave us more information on views on Gender Equality in the past, and we found this session very informative. Lastly, we watched the film of Orlando, based on Virginia Woolf's novel, which was very entertaining but also gave us hints of what actually happened to Orlando after his/hers disappearance. Overall, we found the day very entertaining and informative on the different views of Gender Equality in the past.


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