Research: Trapped

I found a short film 'Trapped' by GLNDZYN productions on the internet whilst researching short films in the Thriller genre. The story was about a girl who got a mirror as a gift by an anonymous person or thing, but this mirror was not ordinary, which found the girl becoming trapped in the mirror itself.

At the beginning of the short film I was confused as to what was going on as the storyline was not clear. However, as the film progressed and the mirror came on the scene the storyline became much clearer. The short films sound effects and filters added to the creepiness of the film and are a typical part of what forms the thriller genre. The sound effects also effectively built up the tension and the scariness of the film as it reached its climax.

Overall,  I found the film very effective and the cliffhanger at the end left me with questions and wanting to watch more. Also, I will incorporate the types of sound effects and filters into my own thriller short film.

Here is the short film 'Trapped': 


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