Preliminary Task

I filmed my Preliminary Task, attempting to Replicate the film 'We need to talk about Kevin'. Overall, I think the filming went well, however, It was difficult to replicate the shots exactly and there were many errors I made whilst filming.

In one of the shots you can hear a dog barking in the background. I did take some other shots but  they too had mistakes in them, which I didn't realise until I looked over the shots whilst editing the sequence. Also, the camera is very shaky. However, when Margaret (Eva) starts talking the sound bridge over to shot two is very good. Overall, most of the shots are good and match the shots in the film sequence I replicated. However, the eye match between Daniel (Kevin) and Margaret does not match as they don't look like they are looking into each others eyes.

Also, in some of the shots in the scene with Eva and Kevin the background sound doesn't match up, this mistake I will not do in my actual short film. I also, struggled with the timing of the lines as the times between speeches are not the same to the speeches in the film. Furthermore, I also struggled with continuity as in the doctors scene there is a shot where the Doctor (Barney) is wearing glasses and in the next shot he is not. Also, the actors did not speak the lines correctly or missed out lines, so in my actual short film I will make sure all lines and speeches are spoken properly.

Also, I found it difficult to find and copy the sound effects and special effects from the film, which were used in the sequence of the film. Therefore, making it difficult to replicate entirely.

Overall, I think I tried to replicate We Need To Talk about Kevin, well, however, there were mistakes which I will not make in my actual short film. 

Here is my Preliminary Task of a scene from 'We Need To Talk about Kevin':

Here is the sequence from the film 'We need to talk about Kevin' :


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